US senator investigated for domestic crime – resignation




Richard Burr. Stock Photography

Photo: Toni L. Sandys / AP / TT

Richard Burr. Stock Photography

The United States Senate, Richard Burr, Republican Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, temporarily steps down.

The reason is an FBI investigation into alleged internal crimes related to the crown pandemic.

Burr’s message comes after the federal police in the United States confiscated Burr’s cell phone. Police suspect Burr used his access to top-secret intelligence to carry out lucrative operations in early February, before the coronavirus attacked the United States with force, a time when Americans still lived believing that the threat of the infection was small.

“I think this is necessary so that the committee can continue its extremely important work without being bothered by external factors,” Burr said in a statement.

On February 7, Burr wrote a debate article stating that the United States government was “better prepared than ever” to deal with the coronavirus. Less than a week later, on February 13, the senator and his wife suddenly sold shares worth between $ 628,000 and $ 1.7 million, according to review site Propublica. Burr’s brother-in-law must also have sold shares for around $ 280,000.

Since then, the stock market has plummeted, approximately 1.4 million Americans have been confirmed infected and more than 85,000 people have died in covid-19.

