PHILADELPHIA. Barack Obama embarks on the campaign trail for the first time to attract voters to his former Vice President Joe Biden.
First out: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
That the electoral meeting takes place is no accident: the state can decide the entire election.
The electoral battle gets underway. Last week, both Republicans and Democrats bet heavily on Pennsylvania, where Trump won by just 44,000 votes against Clinton in 2016.
It’s one of the key states that the Biden campaign believes they can leverage.
Photo: Saul Loeb / AP
Obama and Biden earlier this year.
On Wednesday, therefore, Joe Biden’s former horse partner, President Barack Obama, will return to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. It will be his first campaign event in 2020, where he will meet personally with voters.
First, Obama meets with other black men in the city to discuss the importance of voting. At midnight Swedish time, he holds a drive-in meeting outside Citizens Bank Park for specially invited Democrats.
Photo: Susan Walsh / AP
Obama will hold a rally to attract voters to Biden.
The event is not open to the public due to crown restrictions, and guests will remain in their cars to listen to the former president’s speeches on the radio.
Four years ago, Obama and several great artists came together to give Hillary Clinton a final push the night before Election Day. That time, Obama’s support was not enough until the end.
This year, many are focusing on how the suburbs of Philadelphia will vote. Many of them supported Obama in 2012, but changed Trump in 2016.
Photo: Susan Walsh / AP
Biden leads President Donald Trump in the polls.
So far, Joe Biden leads opinion polls in Pennsylvania by 6.2 percentage points, according to the FiveThirtyEight site, which weighs multiple polls. But many expect it to be extremely even.
Recently, the Supreme Court ruled that all mail-in ballots sent no later than November 3 but received up to three days after Election Day will be counted. This is something that could benefit Democrats, as more Democrats are inclined to vote by mail.
This leads experts to believe that there may be accounting chaos in Pennsylvania. Trump, for example, may seek to win the state on election night, but Biden could take the lead when all mail-in votes are counted several days later.