Attacks, falsehoods and lack of leadership.
In a new interview, the American director of infection control, Anthony Fauci, talks about the difficulties of fighting a pandemic under the government of Donald Trump.
“I tried to base our strategy on science, but the president put as much emphasis on anecdotal things that turned out not to be true as on what the scientists said,” Fauci told The Telegraph.
“He created unnecessary and unpleasant conflicts where I basically had to correct what he said, and thus end up in conflict with his people.”
On several occasions, Fauci clashed with the former president, who repeatedly downplayed the severity of the pandemic and opposed stricter restrictions.
Fauci began to be excluded from the White House reports after some time after he repeatedly contradicted Trump’s claims.
“When it became clear that I, to protect my integrity and get the right message, had to speak publicly against him, he did things, or allowed them to happen, that were horrible,” Fauci said in an interview. with The Telegraph.
As an example mention l an article by White House adviser Peter Navarro in which Fauci’s actions were painted black, and a White House press release with a long list of alleged mistakes made by the head of infection control.
Trump also attacked Fauci personally on Twitter and at press conferences. The infection control chief says it helped make him a target of far-right hatred.
“To the point that I still need the protection of the armed police all the time,” says Fauci, adding that the threats were also directed at his family.
During the last two months of the Trump administration, the president almost completely lost interest in fighting pandemics, Fauci says.
“We (infection control experts) tried, but we had to act almost entirely ourselves, in the sense that there was no direction,” says Fauci, who, however, emphasizes that cooperation with Vice President Mike Pence it worked better.
The infection control expert He describes it as a relief to work with new President Joe Biden, who promised to put science first.
“Then I felt: Thank God!” Fauci says.
Of course, the picture he paints was not shared by the previous government.
The then White House highlighted in October that the Trump administration “through decisive action put researchers and health experts from academia, business and government in the process of becoming familiar with the disease, treating it and defeating it.”
Trump has also singled out the rapid development of vaccines in the United States as a success for his administration.
The United States has recorded nearly half a million deaths from covid-19, which is 20 percent of the deaths recorded worldwide.