Children with symptoms should be tested for suspected covid-19, according to the Swedish Public Health Agency. In Uppsala they left early. But the number of children who tested positive is negligible.

In the Uppsala region, they went out early to screen children for COVID-19.
On Monday, the Swedish Public Health Agency issued a new recommendation. Children in the preschool class, grades 1-9, and in high school who show cold symptoms should undergo ongoing covid-19 infection testing.
But in the Uppsala region, the children had already been screened for a week, albeit “only” fourth-year children.
– We got out early and started last Monday and it’s been a steady stream ever since, Anna Gillman, an assistant doctor for infection control in the Uppsala region, tells TT.
Despite that, he says, few of the children have tested positive and therefore have had the disease.
– In the last few days, we have only had three children who have been positive. This corresponds to between one and a couple of percent of the samples taken, that is, roughly as seen in the general population, says Anna Gillman.
In practical terms, the parents or children themselves reserve an appointment through 1177. Then they go to a sampling unit where the sample itself is taken from both the nose and throat. Thereafter, the test result will be announced after a maximum of three days.
In practice, they usually receive a response within 24 hours. If they are adults, they only receive a phone call if the test response is positive, while if it is a child, it is always a call, regardless of whether it is positive or negative.
– If positive, an infection is traced. Either by the parents themselves contacting those with whom the children have been close for 24 hours before becoming ill. These people are then asked to be more attentive to any symptoms. If you don’t want to do it yourself, you can get help from an infection tracker who contacts them over the phone, says Anna Gillman.
The main purpose of sampling, he says, is to find as many cases as possible, to reduce the infection and, if possible, prevent the spread of infection again.
– We think there will be better compliance, if you really know you are infected. Also, those who are not infected can go back to school, if they are okay, says Anna Gillman.