Uppsala Police: Young people cough and blow on adults


From: Matilda Aprea Malmqvist, Nivette Dawod


Police take to social media and urge adults to speak to their children after receiving information that young people are coughing and blowing adults in the face. In some cases, the attacks have even been filmed.

“Keep your distance and respect each other,” write the police.

Uppsala police come out on social media and say they have received information that young people cough and blow at adults in response to instructions from adults, SVT Nyheter Uppsala reports.

In some cases, the attacks have even been filmed.

Now the police are urging all adults to talk to children and youth about this.

May be guilty of a crime

Since the behavior can be a way to spread Covid-19, it can be a matter of crime, such as harassment or the spread of an infection, according to police.

“We from the police want all parents and adults to talk about this with our children and young people. Fear each other, keep your distance and respect each other! “Uppsala police write on their Facebook page.

