United States halts payments to WHO, says Donald Trump


ofNiklas Eriksson


United States President Donald Trump says he is stopping the country’s payments to the World Health Organization.

“They have failed to manage and must be held accountable,” says Trump.

The message came at the daily White House Crown press meeting. And according to Donald Trump, payments from the United States to the WHO are paused for now while an investigation into his management of the crown is underway.

After the message, he harshly criticized the WHO and even accused them of hiding information about the spread of the infection to protect China. He says his decision not to stop flights from China was fatal.

“It would have been so easy to be honest,” says Trump.

Donald Trump says the WHO has taken China’s data to be true without scrutiny. Donald Trump also accuses the WHO of causing a “twenty-fold increase” in the number of coronary cases in the world.

“The WHO has spread China’s disinformation about the virus,” says the President of the United States.

The text is updated.

United States President Donald Trump at the crown press meeting on Tuesday.

Photo: Alex Brandon / TT NEWS AGENCY

United States President Donald Trump at the crown press meeting on Tuesday.

