Union requirements: protect crown risk groups


Caregivers belonging to a risk group should not have to care for covid-19 patients. This requires the Health Care Association, and at the same time warns that staff are beginning to abandon care to protect their own health.

Today, health professionals who belong to a risk group may be forced to work with patients with covid-19. Stock Photography.Photo: Mikael Fritzon / TT

In addition to age, obesity, pregnancy, and various diseases are risk factors for covid-19. Although the factors increase the risk of serious progression of the disease, health professionals may be forced to work with patients with covid-19, even though they themselves belong to a risk group. This is what the Care Association wants to change.

– We know very little about how staff will be affected by this, but we know that it represents a risk to the life and health of our members, says President Sineva Ribeiro.

TT: How does it look in the country’s hospital?

– There is too much controversy between security officers and employers abroad. The security ombudsman is considering ending protection for people who are pregnant, for example, and who are forced to work in the covid-19 department. It shouldn’t be necessary.

The fact that even a few days of gestation is recommended to be more careful has created a great concern among health care personnel, where many of them are pregnant.

– We have no idea how the virus will affect the child in the future, nor the woman, says Ribeiro.

The concern did not diminish after a nurse at Karolinska University Hospital passed away after caring for patients with covid-19.

– There is a general distrust that the employer assumes responsibility for the work environment. There are deficiencies in the protective equipment, tests and procedures for protection against infections, while we see a greater influx of cases of desperate members, says Sineva Ribeiro.

Ribeiro refers to a case in Norrbotten, where a nurse who belonged to a risk group and was relocated to a covid-19 room decided to resign.

– We cannot afford to lose healthcare personnel in this situation. The employer makes a mistake here, there are other tasks that people at risk can perform, such as responding to 1177. No one should have to resign because employers cannot protect at-risk groups from infection.
