Two Stockholm nightclubs are punished with a crown


The environmental administration has carried out about 50 inspections a week, of which about half this weekend. In two of them, enough deficiencies were found, of which Rose / Fou, in Hamngatan, was forced to close immediately and Collage / Bardot, a block away, will be notified of a sanction decision on a SEK fine 25,000 per week as long as they don’t take action.

– There in Hamngatan, there were a lot of people and the guards worked hard to get people to sit down and share. It was obvious that they had no order there and when the inspectors arrived, they did their best to try to correct it, says Monika Gerdholm, department head of environmental management in Stockholm.

The municipality has in a previous notification staff at Rose / Fou’s door are reported to be warning their colleagues inside that the inspectors are on their way. This time, however, they had a police card and were able to quickly enter the premises and also included an inspection chief with a mandate to make a decision on immediate closure.

– It was bad with information to the guests on how to behave to avoid the spread of the infection and the staff had little knowledge, so they broke everything that applies. As for the restaurants, we rushed to reopen them, basically as soon as they felt ready and worked out what we said they would fix, says Monika Gerdholm.

Sanctions decisions against restaurants have largely focused on furnishings, guest information, and routines. These are things that are easier to check on a second inspection than with nightclubs.

– We will check this better by coming without notice. If the now-closed nightclub gets in touch with us earlier in the week and says “we’ll only let in a few or so many guests”, if they refurbish etc, we’ll let them open again, but we’ll inspect to make sure they actually comply with the requirements, says Monika Gerdhem.

From March 25th, visitors to restaurants, bars and cafes must sit down and keep their distance, and in combination with a maximum of 50 people who can participate in an event, this meant in practice that nightclubs were forced to to close. As of October 8, the 50 limit no longer applies, which meant that many nightclubs opted to reopen business last weekend.

DN has applied to Robert Hållstrand, CEO of Kharmagruppen AB, who, among other things, runs Rose / Fou.
