On Monday, September 14, last week, two Russian corvettes maneuvered in Swedish territorial waters off Vinga, on the west coast, the Swedish Armed Forces reported in an update on its website.
The intrusion must have lasted 11 minutes.
Two days later, on Wednesday September 16, a Danish state ship is said to have entered Swedish waters southwest of Gothenburg, according to the Swedish Armed Forces.
Sweden has protested against the Russian invasion, Peter Hultqvist told TV4.
On Wednesday, the Armed Forces announced a defense cooperation with Finland and Norway in northern Calotte. Russia has a high military presence in the area. The intention is that the Nordic countries practice together, help each other by sharing information and intelligence on the security situation, reports TV4 Nyheterna.
Peter Hultqvist, along with his Norwegian and Danish colleagues, signed the historic agreement on the Norwegian Porsche Porsanger, an agreement that also means that countries must support each other militarily in crisis and conflict.
– What we are seeing is an increase in Russian military rearmament in Murmansk, says Peter Hultqvist and believes that Russian military rearmament is taking place throughout the Arctic area.
Russia, among other things, has had nuclear-armed submarines off Narvik in Norway.