On Tuesday, the security police had gone to Terminal 5 at Arlanda Airport. In one of the planes that arrived, there was a man in his 45s who is registered in Gothenburg. The man was arrested in his absence and arrested under calm circumstances.
The next day, the security police attacked again. This time, the man’s partner was arrested in Malmö. Today, the two men are in custody.
– They have committed and offered to commit a terrorist crime. Some kind of planning takes place in Sweden, but the actual execution must take place abroad, says Hans-Jörgen Hanström, prosecutor with the National Security Targets Unit.
Collaboration between international intelligence services
Hanström does not want to comment further on whether the planning of terrorist crimes has been carried out in Sweden for geographical reasons. The question whether the men tried to use Swedish law in other ways also remains unanswered with reference to the delicate stage of the investigation.
However, the investigation is international in nature and involves authorities from other countries.
– What I can say is that the man arrested in Malmö is a Swedish citizen and the other, who is arrested upon arrival from abroad, is domiciled in Sweden but is not a Swedish citizen. So it’s a collaboration between international authorities, says Hans-Jörgen Hanström.
The men are initially in custody until January 14, but the prosecutor already believes the period of detention will be extended as the investigation is expected to be extensive.