Earlier Tuesday, Degerfors announced that midfielder Adam Carlén tested positive for covid-19 and thus left the collection of the now prevailing Swedish under-21 team.
Now the Swedish Football Association has also published it on their website, where the association also announces that Acropolis goalkeeper Samuel Brolin also tested positive.
Neither member of the duo should be showing any symptoms, but just like Carlén, Brolin has now left the collection, and just like Carlén, Brolin should also feel good.
– We followed the protocol developed by UEFA and the players who tested positive were immediately isolated and have now left the collection. New tests have been carried out today and we will do more tests in the future. Of course, we closely monitor the team’s development and watch for any symptoms, says national team doctor Fredrik Bergström in a comment on the association’s website.
The replacements on the team have not yet been selected.
Earlier in the day, the association also announced that qualification for the Under-21 European Championship against Armenia will be canceled following a UEFA decision, as several players in Armenia tested positive for covid-19.