Two arrested for shooting in Borås


The 16-year-old was shot at lunchtime on Friday outside Frufällan in Borås. He was able to get away from the crime scene a bit and was soon found, after which he was transferred to Södra Älvsborgs hospital with serious but stable injuries.

The case was investigated first by the police under the heading of attempted murder. Two people under the age of 18 were suspected early and have now been arrested in absentia, but the preliminary investigation is now led by prosecutors, so the police cannot reveal any details other than the suspects “any connection between them.”

Both the suspects and the victim go to the same school in Borås, confirms a security officer from Borås Tidning school:

– It is an incredibly tragic event that, of course, we take seriously, both from a school perspective, where many are affected, and also from a social perspective. Also, it has gone relatively well, if I understand it correctly.

Read more:

Young man shot in Borås: police pursue perpetrator
