On Wednesday, the hashtag #JeSuisMarie was trending on Swedish Twitter. The background for the trend is a communicator on the Crisis Information Twitter account, who on Tuesday night responded to several posts directed at the government-run account. The clerk, calling herself Marie, wrote, among other things: “Because you call yourself an angry man on the internet, maybe that’s enough for you? Be angry then?And he called another person “fact resistant.”
“This is not how you should be treated”
The original publication of Krisinformation, which collects and disseminates information from the authorities, was about the decision of the Public Health Agency to pause the use of the Astra Zeneca vaccine against covid-19, and at the time of writing this article it has about of 40 comments.
After strong reactions, Krisinformation came out and apologized for the Wednesday morning posts:
“A couple of responses from Krisinformation.se are unacceptable. This is not how it should be treated on our channels. We really apologize for this, “they write in a Twitter post.
“Dreaming of making a Marie”
But while Marie’s responses are being questioned by various Twitter users, they have been supported by many others. Under the hashtag #JeSuisMarie, users write that they understand Marie.
“I LOVE women who finally leave! Marie is a fucking role model, ”One person writes.
“You can confirm that everyone who works in an authority walks and dreams of making a Marie“, Write another.