How many times can you break the rules before there are too many? How rough Can you break the rules before someone disconnects? No matter what question is answered, the border was crossed a long time ago, when it comes to President Donald Trump and Twitter.
DN fact editor Hugo Ewald has examined how many tweets from Donald Trump have been flagged as inappropriate as of late. It’s an impressive read: 65 posts in the last week, 230 since election night. And still you should know that Twitter has been extremely benevolent. Only posts that specifically and incorrectly talked about voter fraud have been flagged and, frankly, only half of them; they have been extremely generous in their performance. Ordinary Trump posts that are threatening, lying and offensive have passed without comment.
The fact that more than one in four Trump posts has been classified as a rule violation remains rare. Then you should know that Twitter, formally, believes that it is okay for Donald Trump to call for violence, to spread crude lies about political opponents, insult information about individuals, to share racism and sexism and to act without regard to the facts. absolutely. They have made him inflate crazy theories about Hillary Clinton, about the racist murder in Charlottesville, and a myriad of inaccuracies about the coronavirus and covid-19.
Not just Trump. Twitter has been extremely slow and reluctant to act against other conspiracy theorists, who hate and deny the facts, like Alex Jones at Infowars. But when it comes to Trump, an argument has been made up in the form of a special rule. Because he is a “world leader”, it is in the public interest to see what he writes, what he says. The only thing that would make the company shut it down would be if it fomented terrorism (which has honestly been pretty close a number of times or if it spread revenge or child pornography, which I have not known so far).
From rules that Twitter has for its community it does not apply to Trump. He asks for violence and he gets his way. He is sexist and racist and gets away with it. He spreads, my God, what he spreads, and he gets his way.
The first time Twitter acted against something Trump wrote was this spring, when they corrected some allegations of vote-by-mail. Now those tweets seem to be quite innocent, contrary to what the president says every day about the outcome of the elections.
How long Has he gone then? On January 20, the United States has a new president. It is then up to Twitter to assess whether they believe that a political candidate has a strong enough public interest to be allowed to behave in a false, racist, insulting and obscene manner (excuse the harsh words, but that’s what we’re talking about), if you have 88 million followers (it is unclear how many of them are genuine).
The answer, of course, should be no. And that response shouldn’t be delayed until January 20. Twitter should – should! Turn off Donald Trump right now.
Also read: Is Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey a fluffy left liberal or Trump’s best friend?