The election for the two Georgia Senate seats on January 5 is the largest in many years in an individual state.
The position in the Senate is currently 52-48 in favor of the Republicans. If Democrats win both seats, it will be 50-50, effectively giving them a majority because future Vice President Kamala Harris has the casting vote. This, in turn, would give Joe Biden a chance to push much of his schedule forward.
Location for both parties mobilize your voters in Georgia, in other words. The future of the entire country is at stake.
But it is a strange choice.
The other day, two high-profile Republican lawyers, both Trump allies, held a meeting in Atlanta to ask Republican voters to no vote for the party’s two candidates, Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue.
The reason: The election will be marked by cheating, as will the presidential election, attorneys Lin Wood and Sidney Powell said.
– Why should I vote in another rigged election, for God’s sake, Wood told the audience, at least one of whom was “armed” with a pitchfork.
Then he led a chorus who chanted “lock him up!” – referring to the Republican Governor of Georgia, Brian Kemp.
The governor is, in fact, one of Trump’s most loyal supporters. But his “crime” is that he approved the results of the Georgia presidential election, which Biden won by nearly 13,000 votes. This took place after no less than three recalculations of the votes, one of which was by hand, without the result being significantly affected.
Trump cannot forgive Kemp for this, who now calls him a “Republican” in quotes and says he regrets ever supporting him.
President coming Continue to insist on the alleged electoral fraud when it appears in Georgia? He has hardly spoken of anything else in the last month, so the risk is great.
In that case, some conservative voters may see it as a call to stay home on the couch, which can make the decision in an extremely even election.
Governor Brian Kemp is silent and suffers as the President insults him. But many other high-ranking Republicans express their concerns in public.
Gabriel Sterling, Georgia’s chief of staff, noted the other day that Republican poll workers and politicians, and even their families, have received death threats as a result of Trump’s remarks.
– There must be an end to this. Mr President, you have not condemned this action or this language.
The two republicans the Senate candidates themselves are attempting a difficult balancing act. They don’t want to undermine the next election by talking about cheating. But at the same time, they dare not distance themselves from Trump.
The myth of “rigged elections” has quickly become part of the identity of many right-wing voters. And so far, Republican candidates can’t afford to ignore that.
At an election rally last week, a voter asked David Perdue what he was doing to “assist the president in his cheating investigation.” The crowd erupted in applause, but the response was evasive.
At the same time, Democrats are investing difficult to get primarily African-American voters to the polls, a tactic that is considered to have worked well in the presidential election when Georgia, for the first time in 28 years, failed to elect the Republican candidate.
Some members of the left in American politics are also trying to take advantage of divisions among Georgia Republicans.
In the past week, posters have appeared in conservative-dominated counties with the message “Perdue / Loeffler DID NOT comply with Trump, DO NOT vote for them!”
The sender is Really American Super Pac, a political action committee that supports Joe Biden.
Read more:
The battle for the Senate is in Georgia: “I’m afraid of losing my freedom”
Trump’s unsubstantiated attacks on Georgia poll continue