Trump voters leave Fox News – DN.SE


The change can be seen in the display figures. This summer, Newsmax had a modest 25,000 viewers. The number steadily increased before the elections. Then they fled: now the daily figures average 437,000.

“I stopped watching Fox!” says Trump voters after Trump voters I speak to in Washington.

Many of them are upset that Fox News no longer endorses everything Trump says and does. A Florida voter explains that it was turned off on election night, when Fox predicted that Joe Biden would be the winner in Arizona and, later, the entire presidential election.

She is not alone: ​​the cable channel has lost part of its audience, which in the election between Trump and Fox News elects Trump. Equally angry are Trump supporters at social media companies deleting their accounts and posts (something done when obvious misinformation is spread).

For information, many turn to Newsmax TV and OANN. Newsmax is a right-wing channel that spreads conspiracy theories and cleverly captures the dissatisfied. One America News is a smaller, conservative media company that has been well received by the president himself.

Om Donald Trump He starts his own media channel when his time in the White House is up, which is speculated on, you can expect a loyal audience that is angry at his old house organ.

It’s easy to be disgusted by Fox News’ role as a propaganda channel for Trump, but perhaps it was the case that Fox held back a large group of voters in some kind of established national media landscape. When they leave it, it is also a sign that trust in the outside world – the authorities, the media, the “establishment” – has been exhausted.

The lack of trust is evident both in sparsely populated areas, far from Washington, and in the demonstrations. Sean, who traveled from Georgia, explains that he can accept Biden as president if it turns out that he actually won the election, but adds that “all poll workers vote Democrats,” and that he doesn’t think a recalculation is correct. When asked if he trusts the courts that are now trying the electoral fraud allegations by Trump’s lawyers, he says no. So how can you convince? To that, Sean gets the guilty answer.

The same lack of confidence is felt in the rejection of the pandemic. “If you get it, you get it,” Trump supporters say, and they have no intention of getting vaccinated.

The newly elected president In January, Joe Biden will take over a crisis-ravaged America: the pandemic, the economy, climate change. It requires concentration, but how do you reach people who discard everything transmitted to them by the sources from which they distance themselves?

This is an issue on which many journalists in the United States ponder, but also a great concern for the government and authorities who must inform the public, for example, about the benefits of a vaccine. Sociologist Cynthia Miller-Idriss, head of a research unit focused on polarization and extremism at the American University, believes that disinformation will be Joe Biden’s biggest and most pressing challenge. If you can’t build trust, then your politics matter less. Can you put the spirit back in the bottle? Miller-Idriss asks rhetorically, with no other answer that he simply has to go.

Read more:

Trump supporters on rally: We don’t mean to budge

The battle for the Senate is in Georgia: “I’m afraid of losing my freedom”
