Trump: Teach the Miracle of American History


Of: TT


US President Donald Trump greeted supporters Thursday.

Photo: Morry Gash / AP / TT

US President Donald Trump greeted supporters Thursday.

Donald Trump is tired of what he calls left-wing propaganda in American schools, and now he promises that students will have a more patriotic curriculum that “pays homage to the truth about our nation’s amazing history.”

“Teachers must teach our children about the miracles of American history,” the president said.

The president of the United States, Donald Trump, signed a presidential order to launch a commission that will present to his eyes the most patriotic image of the country. He announced it in a speech at the National Archives in Washington on Thursday.

Trump said the “left-wing mafia” must be stopped, referring to those who destroy or demolish monuments and statues and, in the words of the president, “carry out a campaign of violence and anarchy.”

“Whether it’s the mob on the street or the ‘cancellation culture’ in the boardrooms, the goal is the same: to silence dissidents, scare them into not telling the truth, and threaten Americans to abandon their values, their heritage and their lifestyle, “he said. Reuters.

“Retell our story”

– We will never bow to tyranny. We will reclaim our history and our country for citizens of all races, colors, religions and origins.

This is not the first time that Trump has addressed what he considers the wrong approach to education. During the Republican Party convention in August, he raised the issue, and has repeatedly alluded to “left-wing indoctrination in schools” when he condemned violence in connection with anti-discrimination protests.

In early September, the president tweeted that he would have the Department of Education review the California school curriculum. That was later he learned that the state uses New York Times project 1619 to some extent in its schools. Its aim is to shed light on the problems of slavery and show more clearly the effects of slavery on the part of the vulnerable, up to the present day.

California threatened

Trump then threatened to withdraw all donations to California schools. He delivered his speech in the same building where the United States Declaration of Independence is kept, and the new initiative is called the 1776 Commission, after the year the declaration was signed, as opposed to 1619, the year the first enslaved Africans they were taken to North America.

Trump said Thursday that the 1619 project wrongly taught children that America was built on oppression and not freedom.

“America’s founding fathers launched an unstoppable course of events that abolished slavery, ensured human rights, defeated communism and fascism, and built the most just, egalitarian and successful nation in human history,” Trump said.

