Trump Supporters Demand: “Investigate Election Fraud in Georgia”


Georgia still counting votes: Biden still in the lead

From: Emma Lovén Svensson


ATLANTA. Joe Biden may become the first Democrat in nearly three decades to win in the state of Georgia.

But among state Republicans, anger is building. More and more people claim that the elections did not go well, and the president continues to tweet about electoral fraud.

– If my President, who I really love, doesn’t take this to the Supreme Court, I see it as treason, says Lanell Babbage, 71.

In downtown Atlanta, the Georgia state capital, riot fences are erected around government buildings, polling stations and the offices of CNN television. The counting of votes after the presidential elections is still ongoing here, but also an infected debate on electoral fraud that stirs strong emotions.

Because while many were celebrating on the streets of Atlanta since Biden was declared the winner by the media, anger grew among Republicans who claim that there has been voter fraud, even though no such evidence has been presented.

Trump supporter Lanell Babbage, 71, has his opinion completely clear.

– I know there have been traps, I hear it everywhere, she says.

Lennell Babbage lives with his daughter, granddaughter, and great-granddaughter in a brick house in a quiet, wooded area on the outskirts of Atlanta. For her, President Trump is the most important president of her life and the symbol of the American dream.

Trump supporter Lanell Babbage, 71, outside his home in Atlanta.

Photo: Emma Lovén Svensson

Trump supporter Lanell Babbage, 71, outside his home in Atlanta.

Photo: Mike Stewart / TT NEWS AGENCY

Trump supporters during a rally in Atlanta after the US elections.

“I do not think so”

– Trump is the best president of black Americans since Abraham Lincoln. It has solved the problems that Lincoln couldn’t solve, that Dr. King (editor’s note from Martin Luther King Jr.) couldn’t solve. Addressed urban poverty.

For her, it is completely unreasonable for the United States to elect a politician like Joe Biden and ignores the fact that the media has declared him the winner.

– I just don’t believe in it and they’ll have to try it on me to do it

Photo: Emma Lovén Svensson

Edward Muldrow is the Republican president of the Gwinnett district outside of Atlanta.

Lacks evidence according to experts

When Joe Biden approved Donald Trump on the Georgia ballot, several critical voices were raised against the state’s electoral system. When Biden was declared the winner, they increased in intensity.

Edward Muldrow is the Republican president of the Gwinnett district outside of Atlanta. He says that every day he receives calls from concerned voters who want to testify about voter fraud. For him, there are too many different stories for him not to take the accusations seriously. When asked if it couldn’t be a disinformation campaign, he replies:

– I trust my own eyes and ears. If you want to bury your head in the sand and pretend it’s not true, because you want a certain result, you should be ashamed.

The fraud allegations are that the votes have been neglected and incorrect but not legal votes have been counted. Voting cards must have been discarded, lost, mishandled, or counted multiple times.


Voting at State Farm Arena in Atlanta.

But no concrete evidence of electoral fraud has been presented. The lawsuit filed by the Trump campaign in Georgia concerned voting cards, but was quickly dropped for lack of evidence.

According to Edward Muldrow, however, there are several inexplicable events that he believes should be investigated, among other things, he has heard stories about voice counting machines suddenly changing in inexplicable ways.

– We have seen gaps in the system that not even the technicians can explain. If even those responsible don’t know, how can we trust the results?

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He also thinks that the use of the so-called delivery boxes, special mailboxes for ballots, were not safe because they were not monitored 24 hours. At the same time, he emphasizes that he is not familiar with legal processes, but above all he listens to what people are saying.

For Edward Muldrow, it is strange that Democrats are not more concerned with what has come out. He also believes that it is suspicious that they do not seem to want to investigate what happened. But you think you know why:

– When Trump was elected, it was a blow to the Democrats.

Photo: Emma Lovén Svensson

Georgia State Capitol.

Lanell Babbage believes it is sad that so few Americans take the president’s concerns seriously. She believes that the United States is a role model for the whole world and that it is therefore important to set a good example.

– People have died so that we as blacks and women can vote, so what happens is unacceptable.

According to her, Trump has been attacked by both the Democrats and the media for four years and now hopes that the outcome will change after the legal proceedings.

– I hope with all my heart that he is officially re-elected, when we find out how extensive the cheating is.

So what do you say if the court shows you are wrong, that it was not cheating?

– I can’t answer that question, because I know it was a fraud.

Position right now

On Wednesday morning Swedish time, Joe Biden leads Georgia with 14,149 votes ahead of Donald Trump when about 99 percent of the vote was counted.

However, the position is so even that the votes will probably be recalculated. It cannot be recalculated until the state election result is approved, which can take until November 20.

Photo: Alex Brandon / TT NEWS AGENCY

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