Tried to murder his wife – punished in Turkey


The man who was sentenced in 2015 to 14 years in prison for throwing his wife off a balcony is serving his sentence in Turkey.

The man was sentenced to 14 years in prison by the Supreme Court. Turkey has agreed that he will serve his sentence there. Stock Photography.Picture: Magnus Andersson / TT

The Swedish Prison and Probation Service has received that message from a court in Turkey, several media outlets report.

The assassination attempt took place in 2013 in Hovsjö in Södertälje. The woman received very serious injuries in the case.

The man was sentenced to nine years in prison in the district court, but was later acquitted by the appeal court. The case was taken to the Supreme Court, which sentenced him to 14 years in prison.

After the verdict, the man, who was a fugitive, fled to Turkey. According to a documentary that recently aired on TV4, he will live in a coastal town in the west of the country.

The Swedish Prison and Probation Service has been informed that Turkey accepts the request to take over the execution of the 14-year prison term.

– But now it is up to the Swedish Prison and Probation Service to decide whether we agree to this, both countries must provide funds for the process to take place, says Rikke Nielsen, legal expert at the Swedish Prison and Probation Service , to Länstidningen Södertälje.

There is no information that the man has been arrested in Turkey.
