Trial postponed after suspected call


Before the trial, a person called the Kronoberg Detention Center in Stockholm and asked to speak to a 27-year-old man who had been charged with complicity and attempted murder. According to DN sources, the person said that he called from the law firm where the man’s public defender works. The call was approved by staff from the Swedish Prison and Probation Service and the 27-year-old detainee was picked up from his cell.

– After that, the conversation lasted probably 45 minutes, says a person with knowledge of the case.

Meanwhile, a new call came to the 27-year-old, this time from the man’s lawyer. Confusion arose among the staff, who believed that the attorney was already in contact with the client. Staff said they were sure the number of the first person to call was on the approved number list. The lawyer, for his part, assured that neither he nor anyone else from his firm had previously contacted the 27-year-old.

– That was when it was suspected that someone had managed to deceive the Swedish Prison and Probation Service and circumvent the restrictions, continues the source of DN.

Kronoberg Detention Center Security Department called an emergency meeting. But it could not be determined who the mysterious caller was. A deviation from stopping routines contributed to the uncertainty, according to DN’s source.

– According to the rules, the stop must always count against the subscription declared by a caller, but unfortunately this would not have happened in this case.

When the police learned of what happened, it was decided that the 27-year-old could only leave the prison if he was escorted by the regional or national task force. According to the risk assessment that was made, it could not be ruled out that someone or someone planned to try to free the 27-year-old on his way to the Attunda District Court in Sollentuna, where the trial was to be held.

A guarded transport was planned. But on Thursday morning, police resources were needed elsewhere. As a result, the trial was postponed.

– They just didn’t want to risk letting the Swedish Prison and Probation Service handle the transport alone.

DN spoke Thursday night with the defender of the 27-year-old. According to him, one theory is that the unknown person may have used some kind of technical aid to deceive the Swedish Prison and Probation Service.

– There is talk that there may be an application that affects which number is visible to the recipient. In any case, it is obvious that the Swedish Prison and Probation Service must review its routines, says the lawyer.

The attorney does not want to comment on whether he asked his client who he spoke to or not.

– With regard to my defense mission, of course, I cannot answer that question.

DN seeks management of the Kronoberg detention center.

Read more: Three are accused of having recruited a child for a murder mission
