There are authors who have managed to capture a lot in a few pages. Canadian Lise Tremblay is one of them. Now it is relevant again in Swedish with the short novel “Animals”.
“Animals” represents a rural community in Quebec where people live close to nature and the seasons. There, former dentist Benoît has retired from the big city together with his old dog Dan. The hunting team is preparing for the hunting season, but wolves have been seen in the area and there are different opinions on what to do. Benoît has been divorced for many years because he preferred his career and his own interests to family life, something he thinks about a lot now. His daughter has had mental problems for a long time, but hopes that an imminent operation will heal her and give her a decent life. Benoit’s dog Dan, on the other hand, is dying. Also Mina, Benoit’s closest neighbor.
I really like Lise Tremblay’s writing, where she captures the deeply human with few means.
Lise Tremblay has a particularly sharp and direct language that somehow directly captures the core of each person’s story. In “Animals” there are cleverly portrayed conflicts between old ways of thinking and modernity, where the wolf and the body can be symbols. Here are topics about life and death, about fear and about understanding the other.
“Animals” is an impressive novelty art. I really like Lise Tremblay’s writing, where she captures the deeply human with few means. It is exhilarating, beautifully melancholic and raw, with great compassion for the people it portrays: should one live or just survive?