Train stop in Norrköping – no forecast


A hard copy of Dagens Nyheter, 2020-11-02 13:45

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There is a stop in the train traffic in Norrköping due to a power failure. According to the Swedish Transport Administration, the reason is an airline that has been shot down and the forecast is that traffic will resume early Tuesday morning.

The power failure affects long-distance trains Stockholm-Malmö and also regional trains on the Linköping-Sala and Linköping / Nyköping / Stockholm sections. Commuter trains on the Linköping-Norrköping section are also affected by the power failure.

The Swedish Transport Administration announces that certain departures may be canceled and that delays are accounted for on all departures.

Travelers are encouraged to contact their train company.

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Train stop in Norrköping due to power failure
