Of: TT
Photograph: Björn Larsson Rosvall / TT
The Swedish Transport Administration does not yet know when traffic can resume. Stock Photography.
Train traffic between Helsingborg and Ängelholm in Skåne has come to a halt after copper thieves attacked the railway north of Helsingborg, Helsingborgs dagblad reports. In connection with the copper theft, which occurred overnight on Saturday, overhead lines were destroyed.
– It’s an extensive copper theft that has taken place between Maria and Ödåkra, says Daniel Andersson at Infranord in Helsingborg, who is in charge of railway maintenance, to Helsingborgs dagblad.
Skåne was also hit earlier this summer by copper thefts. In total, more than 14 tons of copper disappeared from the section between Helsingborg and Eslöv. Then, the Swedish Transport Administration made the assessment that those responsible for the thefts must have been well-equipped professionals, since otherwise it is life-threatening to come into contact with the lines.
On Saturday, some of the trains will be diverted to other tracks, while others will be replaced by buses. The Swedish Transport Administration refers passengers to the train companies for more information. It is not yet clear when the traffic may begin to flow again.