– We received several alarm calls at 05.17 that something was happening in an electronics department store in Kungens kurva and in parallel we received calls about punctured cars on E4 / E20 and Skärholmsvägen, says police press secretary Ola Österling.
An unknown number of perpetrators forced a gate or gate into Mediamarkt with a vehicle and when they left the scene, they threw fishing rods onto the road behind them. This resulted in many of the later cars being punctured, leading to significant walkability issues.
How many cars are involved It is unclear and the police believe there are “quite a large number of cars” in the cars where the victims have been helped, for example, to change tires without sounding the alarm. There is no information that the tires of a police car have been punctured.
– We have not detained anyone yet, but we have traces of them and we have information on which vehicles have been used. There are still cops on the scene, but it will soon be fixed and we are at the breaking point between an external and an internal operation, says Ola Österling shortly before 7 o’clock.