Total misery for liberals | Aftonbladet


Sabuni’s poor performance does not give new voices either


The situation of the liberals is desperate.

All curves point incorrectly.

So the party leader tries to save what can be saved with a plot and a demand that no one understands. Just what it seems herself. Amazing.

We are witnessing what could be said to be a kind of collective suicide. The problems of the liberals are mounting, but no one seems to be able to do anything about it. The patient faints.

• About 60 percent of voters have left the party. In the latest Aftonbladet / Demoskop voter barometer, 2.3 percent of voters say they would vote for the Liberals if there were elections today.

This is the worst record since measurements began several decades ago.

The loss since the elections amounts to about 200,000 of the 357,000 votes the Liberals received in the last parliamentary elections.

Nyamko Sabuni, party leader (left) Since 2019, he is the leader of the party in which the Swedish people have the least confidence.

That has been the case for a long time. Eight percent have great or very great believers for them.

It has even managed to pull Isabella Lövin, Minister of Climate (MP), from the last place in the confidence of the party leaders that Lövin previously subscribed to.

• Almost one in seven members he left the Liberals last year, according to Ekot. Fewer and fewer want to pay the membership fee or get involved with the liberals.

• Previously, voters believed Liberals had the best school policy. That was the only question they thought the party was good for.

But now L is neither the best, nor the second best nor the third best in the school area. They are not good at anything according to the voters.

Therefore, liberals are in dire need of finding one problem, preferably several, that will reverse the devastating development.

Preferably a broad, easy-to-understand question that puts liberals back on the map.

Nyamko Sabuni.

Photo: Amir Nabizadeh / TT / TT NEWS AGENCY

Nyamko Sabuni.

But that doesn’t seem to be the case. Instead, several appeals have been published where lines of representatives demand that the party clearly declare that it is a bourgeois party, preferably vagrants but at least in time before the September 2022 elections.

Very few doubt, except apparently themselves, that liberals are bourgeois. But the cooperation with the S and MP government, the January agreement, has led to this demand, regardless of whether it is unnecessary or not.

Nyamko Sabuni’s response to this, however, both the internal criticism and the need to mark the existence of the party are very strange. So strange that he even has a hard time explaining what it is about.

The migration policy is out of the January agreement. But despite this, Sabuni threatens to break the agreement if the government does not do what the liberals want in a special issue that has to do with future immigration policy.

It’s about, if I got it right, that young people with a special connection to Sweden should be able to obtain a permanent residence permit with reference to “particularly painful circumstances”. For example, children who have been reunited with their families but who, to read the paragraphs literally, have to leave the country.

If that possibility is introduced, Sweden will be inundated by many people with no refugee motives, Sabuni believes.

Of course you can also have that fear if it seems excessive. But since the liberals do not have a veto on the immigration issue, Sabuni is forced to draw another card from the game: if the proposal becomes a reality, L cannot cooperate on the state budget with the government and thus the January agreement falls.

It’s not just crazy. It is also very difficult to explain to voters. Which heart is starting to beat faster because of the budgetary impact of immigration policy on a marginal issue?

Possibly one thing or another among the sworn enemies of liberalism, the Sweden Democrats. But hardly any other.

Prime Minister Stefan Löfven (S) is not shaken and I get it. A hen of a feather, he says. It is easy to agree.

Nyamko Sabuni’s response to internal criticism and the demand for a popular, unanswered question is incomprehensible. He’s a long way from the people and doesn’t seem to give the Liberals a single new voter.

What she and her party comrades should Investing in, instead, is becoming relevant to people. Tell us why you should vote for the Liberals. So the budgetary impact of an exception clause on future immigration policy will not be enough.

But that his response is so lousy may be because the party is divided. According to Aftonbladet / Demoskop, 58 percent of L voters want to abandon the January agreement. And 18 percentage points of them want to do it now, 40 percentage points relative to the elections. But 33 percent of L voters want to continue cooperation.

Nyamko Sabuni must act, otherwise His party is not expected to remain in the Riksdag after the next election. In the past, 2018, they managed to stay with the help of supportive votes from supporters of M.

Aftonbladet / Demoskop

Leave the January agreement?

Yes, now: 18 percent

Yes, long before the 2022 election: 40 percent

No, you intend to support the agreement: 33 percent

I don’t know: 9 percent

Only liberal sympathizers are included in the survey.

Who do you want as prime minister?

Stefan Löfven (S) 14 percent

Ulf Kristersson (M) 54 percent

I don’t know 32 percent

Only supporters of Liberals are included in the survey.

This is how the survey was done

The survey was conducted by Demoskop on behalf of Aftonbladet in the framework of the Initiatives Panel, which reflects the Swedish people. The target group is sympathizers of liberals over the age of 18. The survey includes 340 interviews during the period December 11-22, 2020 and was conducted as a web survey.

The selection is pre-stratified and weighted by age, sex and region.

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Of: Lena Mellin


