Tommy Salo apologizes for drunk driving


Of: Jonna Andersson



Tommy Salo, 49, was driving drunk and crashed into the center rail with his car.

Now the ex-hero of Tre Kronor appears and apologizes.

– There are no excuses for what I did.

In August, the former Tre Kronor hero drove the E18 in his car. The ride was slow and wobbly before it came to an abrupt end toward a central railing.

A witness to the accident approached the car and found Tommy Salo, 49, asleep and unreachable. It later turned out that the former NHL player had 3.06 per thousand in his blood; the limit for driving while intoxicated is 1.0 per thousand.


Now, months after getting drunk, Tommy Salo shows up and apologizes for the shaky ride. On Facebook, he writes that it is possible to blame everything, but that he does not intend to.

– There are no excuses for what I did.

Accused of drunk driving

According to the preliminary investigation report, Tommy Salo drank large amounts of alcohol for several days and stopped several times on the day of the unstable trip to drink “shots.

Salo, who confessed to the crime on the spot, is now charged with aggravated drunk driving and had his driver’s license revoked. The crime can result in prison for up to two years.

– This was the drop. There will be no more alcohol for me, writes on Facebook.

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Comments on the post are supportive.

– Good Tommy Salo. We are at your side, writes Leif Rohlin.

– Good luck, Tommy. Keep fighting, writes Johan Lindblom.

– I wish you strength and all happiness in your fight against demons, writes Petter Rönnqvist.

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