The new advice means that you should refrain from staying in the following indoor environments:
- Stores
- Mall
- Museums
- library
- Spa
- Gym
Visits to, for example, supermarkets and pharmacies can be made. However, residents are urged to refrain from participating in meetings, concerts, sports training and games.
You should also refrain from having physical contact with anyone other than the people you live with, but this does not apply to care visits. You are also encouraged to refrain from participating in broader social contexts such as dinner parties, parties, and parties.
No stricter advice on public transport
Public transportation is not included in the strict guidelines.
– We keep saying that those who have to travel must use public transport in order to get to work, says Maria Rotzén Östlund, a doctor in infection control functions in the Stockholm Region.
The audience limit is expected to be 50 people in the Stockholm region as of November 1, a decision that will initially be valid for three weeks.
The decision on the city councils applies from today, Thursday, until November 29.
Read more about the new tips in the Stockholm Region here.