More patients than ever are being treated for covid-19 at a Skåne hospital. After a further increase of another eight people in the last 24 hours, a total of 276 patients are being treated, of which 33 are in intensive care. That’s more than three times more than during the peak of the infection this spring, when a maximum of 91 people were seen.
Ann-Louise Levau, an assistant nurse in the intensive care unit in Lund and chief safety representative for the municipality, is experiencing great pressure at her workplace where her colleagues are also missing due to covid and common colds.
– We have less staff now than a couple of weeks ago. Every day and training must be covered with overtime, which increases the pressure on us, that we are healthy and working, he says.
In addition, the Skåne Region has reported more than 7,000 new confirmed cases in the past week. Since the start of the pandemic, Skåne has confirmed a total of 35,153 corona infections.
“A very egocentric thought”
Ann-Louise Levau connects last week’s spike in infection with congestion in stores in connection with Black Friday.
– It fits quite well with Black Friday, it has increased notably a week later, he points out.
She feels that many of her colleagues in the intensive care unit are angry and cursed that people are not following the restrictions.
– It feels like people are literally shit. It’s a very selfish mindset and you don’t care. Perhaps those with mild symptoms think they are not contagious.
– We work hard and do everything we can to keep our patients healthy and return home to their loved ones. We know that the peak will come at Christmas and New Years and that we will be forced to work even more then than today. As it seems now, we don’t have our vacations either.
Before the pandemic, Ann-Louise Levau cared for one Iva patient at a time, now she cares for three. Work is also made difficult by all protective equipment that is hot, and respiratory protection makes hearing difficult.
– You do not have so much time to care and be with each patient, but you must prioritize vital efforts. It also feels more impersonal, you don’t get to know the patients like before when we had a lot of contact with family members who were involved.
– But they still get the best care imaginable. We always talk to patients, even if they are deeply anesthetized. I tell them what day it is, where they are, that the doctor is calling their relatives and trying to encourage them to get better.
No new vacations are granted
Ann-Louise Levau also fears that the pressure on the intensive care unit will be even greater and will reach its peak before the Christmas holidays. When the number of hospitalizations has increased so much, it is known that some will become so severe that they will need IVA care, he says.
Some units have already had their vacations granted, but no new ones have been granted according to Ann-Louise Levau.
Since December 1, the number of patients in the intensive care unit has increased from 25 to 33 in Skåne. This spring, Skåne had a maximum of 22 in VAT.
In the covid-iva room in Lund, seven are currently being treated, the current limit is set at nine. To reduce the pressure on staff here, the number of VAT places in Malmö, Helsingborg and Kristianstad has been increased.
At the same time, care staff have moved to the newly opened covid departments in Malmö and Lund due to the recent need for care.
– Some have reluctantly moved and some of the staff are not feeling well today.
However, you do not want to direct any blanket criticism of the managers in the difficult situation.
– They do their best to be the best they can be for all employees. It is not that easy.