Three news to follow today


Big fight in Vimmerby – two injured

A big fight broke out overnight at Vimmerby. Several people beat a 19-year-old man, hit him with stones and kicked him.

Another younger man was beheaded by a stranger when he approached a car and asked the driver to turn down the music.

READ MORE: Big fight in the street – person hit with stones

The abolition of qualifying day remains

The temporary crisis measure, in which the Swedish Social Security Agency pays compensation for the first day of illness with a standard amount of SEK 804 before tax, has been in place since March and was scheduled to end on the last day of September.

But now it runs until the turn of the year.

The suppression of medical certificates during the first 14 days will also extend until December 31.

READ MORE: The crisis measure with the elimination of the qualification period deduction is maintained for the rest of the year

Trump’s attempt to get Russia to intervene in the elections

President Trump made both overt and secret attempts to get Russia to intervene in the 2016 elections. And the reason for his admiration for Putin is that the Russian leader rules his country as if it were his private company.

Former Trump attorney Michael Cohen states this in a new book, writes the Washington Post.

READ MORE: Trump lawyer: admire how Putin took over Russia