This is how the decision to get vaccinated is affected – Vetenskapsradion Nyheter


The very unusual, but also very severe side effect of narcolepsy after swine flu vaccines inevitably now casts long shadows on us. That’s the opinion of Mia-Marie Hammarlin, an ethnologist at Lund University.

– The fact that a few hundred young people suffered from narcolepsy in relation to swine flu and the Pandemrix vaccine has probably greatly influenced the vision of the new vaccines, he says.

Sweden has many dead in the pandemic of a comparatively small population. But there is no direct link between the “most affected country” and the “positively vaccinated country”.

In the European study “Countering Covid-19”, 1,000 citizens from eight countries were repeatedly asked if they intended to be vaccinated against Covid-19. In the November poll, Sweden was second only to France, the country where the largest proportion probably or absolutely said no to vaccination.

Different countries are now learning in various ways, try to encourage their populations to be vaccinated to achieve herd immunity. That’s what Johan Brun, a medical expert at the Pharmaceutical Industry Association says.

– If our environment will condition a series of possibilities, it remains to be seen. In Switzerland, I have seen, among other things, that it has been said that “in order to work here, to be active in this sporting movement, to be able to get this service, we are going to set the conditions to be vaccinated,” he says. he.

– For me and my Swedish citizens, we may not go to Italy next summer, if we cannot show a vaccination certificate. And it will surely be at stake when you choose to get vaccinated or not, continues Johan Brun.
