They receive the first vaccination in Skåne from Monday to Friday


In a press release, Region Skåne now announces that several special residents of Helsingborg will be the first to announce that when the first 400 doses of vaccine arrive in Skåne on weekdays. The background is that Helsingborg has a high spread of infection and the accommodations are close to each other, which is good for transport times and handling of the Pfizer / Biontech vaccine.

Shortly after Christmas, additional doses are expected to arrive in Skåne, according to a preliminary announcement from the Swedish Public Health Agency.

– This means that we can gradually expand the vaccination effort so that another 6,500 people in the priority group can receive a vaccine before the end of the year, says Per Hagstam, assistant infection control physician and vaccine coordinator in the Skåne Region, in the Press release.

The Pfizer / Biontech vaccine is a two-dose vaccine that requires at least three weeks between doses.

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