Therefore, the interest in Oprah’s interview with Harry and Meghan – Kulturnytt on P1 is huge.


Interest in Oprah Winfrey’s interview with the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, Harry and Meghan, has been enormous. There has been a bidding war for viewing rights to the interview, which aired on American television Monday night. But what is the reason for the great interest?

Vendela Lundberg is journalist and host of, among other things, the P3 ID podcast where she has made episodes about Meghan Markle and Oprah Winfrey.

– I think since Harry and Meghan retired from their assignments, there have been two pictures of who they are, says Vendela Lundberg and adds:

– One has been about the two modernizing the monarchy by eliminating the stepmother treatment from the newspapers, but also eliminating “The Firm”, what is called the family in Buckingham Palace, where Queen Elizabeth is the head.

The British Royal Family He has not commented on the accusations of racism made during the interview.

The interview with Harry and Meghan will be broadcast on Monday, March 8 at 9:00 p.m. on TV3 and Viafree.
