Therefore, Norway has fewer deaths than Sweden.


This weekend, figures from the EU crisis authority ECDC showed that Norway had a greater spread of the infection than Sweden with 24.8 infected per 100,000 inhabitants. The corresponding figure in Sweden was 24.0.

But the death toll is still low compared to Sweden. 265 people have died in Norway compared to 5,851 people in Sweden.

The low death toll is due to the fact that the society was quickly shut down at the right time, Norwegian infection control director Frode Forland said Wednesday at SVT’s Morgonstudion.

– The whole society understood that it was serious and we had a quick effect. I think that’s the reason why we have fewer deaths in Norway than in Sweden, Forland said.

“Same level now”

Recently, there have been several local outbreaks in Norway, including in Bergen.

– We have finished at roughly the same level now, the latest figures show that we both have a small increase again. But we are very happy that Sweden has dropped to a similar level as Norway and that we can open the border again. But we think it’s a high level in Norway, Norway’s director of infection control Frode Forland tells SVT.

He also commented on the relationship between Johan Giesecke and Anders Tegnell. Forland has previously said that Giesecke “should be more humble.”

– Giesecke is my old boss and Tegnell my good colleague who I meet in web meetings every week. So it’s okay to discuss strategy openly. And Johan has emailed an apology for the harsh tone, the infection control director said.

READ MORE: Greater spread of infection in Norway than in Sweden
READ MORE: Sweat, fear and lack of oxygen: this is the virus war from within