If cash management can be tied to the crown in any way, it’s a bonus for card companies. If they have a monopoly on payments, the risk is high that rates will increase substantially for both cards and payments made with them. This is what Björn Eriksson, spokesperson for Cash Rebellion writes.

In the midst of a crisis, cash adversaries are seizing the opportunity to advance their positions. Also, they use fake news and spread rumors, writes Björn Eriksson.
This is a discussion post. Writers are responsible for opinions.
Recently, in the Cash Survey, we have received increasing signals that there are widespread rumors about notes and coins. Many people have heard from us and told us that the stores where they want to buy do not receive cash due to the risk of coronary infection.
Merchants have become he fears receiving tickets and major players like H&M, Kappahl, Hemtex and jem & fix, and Bambora solves or wants to solve the “problem” with cash, under the pretext that it reduces the risk of infection.
Both the World Health Organization, the WHO and the Swedish Public Health Agency have declared that there is no infectious risk through the tickets. Coins are also not a source of contagion.
The European Central Bank believes that, from the point of view of contagion, it is worse to press the buttons on a card terminal than to receive cash, which obviously should not be considered a risk.
Despite scientifically substantiated observations, banknote rumors continue to circulate. In my opinion, the cause can only be a conscious campaign.
The great Card companies would like to withdraw the cash.
If cash management can be tied to the crown in any way, it’s a bonus for card companies. If they have a monopoly on payments, the risk is high that rates will increase substantially for both cards and payments made with them.
Using people’s fear of the crown is low and unscrupulous. People want to take responsibility and avoid spreading the infection. They must be able to trust that they receive accurate information and not be intimidated by retail chains.
Make the wicked The rumors that the bills are spreading in square brackets are the beginning to the end of the cash. The ongoing negative development is accelerating.
If the cash continues to decline, eventually they become too few for society to handle. In practice, they are unusable, even though the law allows cash.
If there is one thing that the crown crisis has shown, it is how vulnerable society is. Contingency reasons suggest that Sweden should keep cash. The next time a crisis strikes, it could be a cyber attack or something else that turns off the Internet. Then we all stay smooth without cash.
Sweden has chosen An extreme path in the issuance of cash. No other country in the world has such a low percentage of cash payments. It arouses surprise and concern. Not least, this applies to the 1.2 million Swedes who, for various reasons, need to use cash. These people must also be included in what counts as a society and be able to manage their daily lives.
Parliament became aware of the problem and before Christmas came a new law that says big banks should provide cash services across the country. This is an important step to secure the cash position in Sweden. Unfortunately, the law is not enough because people must also be able to use cash in commerce.
If commerce now eliminates the possibility of paying in cash, the situation, despite the new law, is the same as before. So the only option is tougher legislation against cash hunters.
The Minister responsible for Payment is the Minister of Finance and the Deputy Minister of Finance, Per Bolund (MP). But he does not want to see the problem and has been unable to act. It is a passivity that has a negative impact on small companies, associations and individuals across the country. Those who benefit from passivity are important international actors at the same time that Sweden’s preparedness is jeopardized.
In the midst of a crisis, cash adversaries are seizing the opportunity to advance their positions. In addition, they make use of fake news and the rumor spread. It is time for Per Bolund to act.
Björn Eriksson He is the spokesperson for Cash Rebellion, a flexible network of associations, politicians, stakeholders and individuals.