
Disruptive technology and disturbing background noise aren’t just costly stealers of work time. It can also cause stress and decreased well-being.
– If you’ve had a day full of interrupted and ineffective conversations, it can be exhausting. This is because the brain wastes unnecessary energy and cognitive ability in order to focus on the relevant and desired sound, says Jesper Kock, EPOS vice president of research and development.
Shift the business to a hybrid workplace with EPOS sound solutions
As jobs moved from the office environment into our homes, many new problems and challenges emerged, and noise is an increasingly painful point when the workplace goes hybrid. We are exposed to new types of background noise and sudden interruptions that occur when we associate with other family members in the home office. In addition, in principle, all contact with colleagues and partners has been located in digital rooms that place greater demands on equipment and tools.
Bad sound creates micro-frustrations
That loss of sound, background noise, and glitches during a video conference can be unsettling and time-consuming, many people probably recognize themselves in them, and did you know that all employees lose almost half an hour a week with just one bad sound?
An international survey conducted by IPSOS on behalf of EPOS also shows the connection between bad sound and our well-being. Being exposed to interruptions and noise during the workday creates recurring micro-frustrations that can lead to fatigue and stress over time.

The study shows that up to 95 percent admit that their concentration and efficiency at work have been affected due to poor sound. One in three end users also say they have experienced frustration and irritation from sound problems, and one in four have experienced stress. In addition, it affects our self-esteem and 15 percent also say that these problems have felt embarrassing or have contributed to lower self-confidence.
Therefore, the body reacts to stress.
That we react so immediately to sound is because the sense of hearing is an important warning system. It is directly related to the body’s stress regulation system and can trigger a reaction in which stress hormones such as cortisol or adrenaline are released in the body.
Reducing and eliminating the sound sources that activate this response to stress in the body, therefore, becomes a priority issue that focuses on technological development.
– When this effort is constant over a period of days, weeks and months, it can have a surprisingly detrimental effect on your well-being. For these reasons, it’s important to use a device that has a high-quality speaker and microphone that’s designed to handle and interrupt the disruptive sounds that have become so important, says Jesper Kock.
Restructuring imposes new demands on companies
The noise problem can eventually lead to a loss of efficiency and finding a balance between private and work has never been more important than now.

– In recent months it has been shown that noisy environments that are not intended for work generate more stressful situations, especially in combination with higher expectations. Since employees work remotely and are connected to colleagues through multiple devices such as mobile phones, email, and communication and collaboration platforms, the demand for results has risen almost immediately, says Sir Cary Cooper, Professor of Psychology. Organizational and Health in Manchester Business. School and continues:
– However, this way of working is not sustainable and the employer has a clear obligation to cooperate with its employees to find the right solutions for them. By working together, companies can create the best solutions that increase team morale, create harmony, and optimize productivity and work efficiency.
Shift the business to a hybrid workplace with EPOS sound solutions
TIP: How to reduce noise stress at work
• Always connected and available. When the line between work and private is blurred, it is important to create a positive culture within the company. Before booking another virtual meeting or video call: ask yourself if this couldn’t be an email.
• Beware of meeting fatigue. Each employee loses an average of half an hour a week from their productive work hours due to technology problems. The EPOS study also shows that any micro-frustration that occurs can lead to both reduced well-being and low self-esteem. Therefore, an important task as a business leader will be to find ways to reduce daily stressors.
• Working remotely does not mean that we cannot work together, and technical solutions become increasingly important when much of the communication is done digitally. According to the study, 79 percent of decision makers agree that good audio equipment, such as headphones, earphones, and speakers, can reduce the problem both on and off calls. Strong experiences and strong communication tools become top priority to ensure productivity and continuity in your workflow.