This weekend, the vaccine was shipped from the Pfizer / Biontech warehouse to the EU member states. On Sunday the first Swedes were vaccinated.
In the first place there are people who live in special dwellings and those who have home care to get vaccinated. Then there are the personnel who work in the care of the elderly in turn and those who are living with someone who works in the home care service.
Kristine Rygge, vaccine coordinator in the Västra Götaland region, calls this phase 1.
Phase 1 is completed when those who live in special housing, those who have home care, and those who work in elderly care and live with someone who works in home care have received their second dose of the vaccine.
– Everyone in phase 1 has the same high priority. That is, if we receive a vaccine after having vaccinated everyone planned, then we vaccinate staff or patients with home care, as long as they are in the same phase. This is so no vaccines are wasted, says Kristine Rygge.
Immunization Coordinator: Do not call the health center
At the same time, many wonder when it is their turn to get vaccinated.
– I want to make it clear that it is not possible to book an appointment for vaccination now. Do not call health centers to ask about times when the care staff is already heavily employed. Keep an eye out for 1177, the regional and health center websites, says Kristine Rygge.
Once the first group has been grazing, it is the turn of the more than 70 years, other care personnel and people in the risk group.
How do you prioritize which of the risk groups comes first?
– There we have received help from health centers and hospitals in the region. They know which of their patients are in the risk group and which are the most fragile. They are taking an inventory of their patients right now.
The plan: I got help with the vaccination.
At present, care is widely used in the region and more than 500 people attend hospitals with covid infection. To cope with the capacity to vaccinate, the region has been supplied with external capacity.
– This is an important issue. It is important that we do not burden those who already have a lot to do, what medical care now has. Therefore, we have acquired external capacity to help with vaccination. First, they will vaccinate municipal health and welfare personnel, says Kristine Rygge.
And after that?
– Then I’ll be back. The important thing is that we have acquired external capacity to ease our center of attention.
However, so far it is not clear when it may be relevant with vaccines for the general public.
– We plan the best we can and are fully focused on phase 1 right now in January. Then there are more than 70 people and people who are on the shift of risk groups. When the time comes for the general public depends on many factors, but we wait before summer, says Rygge.
When the time comes, the region will provide information through letters, calls and various vaccination campaigns. Also, some groups will receive notices that it is their turn to get vaccinated.