Then the NHL begins again on January 13, 2021.


The Players Union (NHLPA) and the NHL have agreed on the structure for the next NHL season. As previously reported, the basic series will begin in mid-January, more specifically on Wednesday, January 13, and will last until May 8. Announce the league in a press release.

This means that the NHL season has 56 rounds, compared to a normal 82-game season.

16 teams will go to the Stanley Cup playoffs played with a best-of-seven classic in four rounds. The playoffs are expected to be ready in July and therefore a normal start to the season is expected in October through the 2021-2022 season.

As Canada closes its border, the law will split into four new divisions: East, Center, West, and North, the latter with only Canadian law. The top four teams in each division go to the Stanley Cup playoffs, where the first two knockout rounds are played within each division.

In the next few days a health protocol will be produced due to the corona pandemic.

Training will start on January 3, but you will not play any training matches.
