The youngest family in the city is afraid to move home.


In several rounds in recent months, parents in Ystad and the municipality’s social committee have struggled over how much contact the couple should have with their children.

The entire family lived behind fences, gates, and padlocks, with no contact with their surroundings.Photo: CLAES CARLSON / KVP
The mistreatment conditions were revealed in a report in Sydsvenskan that drew enormous attention.Photo: FRITZ SCHIBLI
The parents were interviewed on TV4 to obtain their version of what happened.Photo: TV4 / TV4

The Ystad Social Committee forced four of the family’s five children to be in custody in August 2018. The decision was preceded by a review showing that none of the children had gone to school.

The children were kept isolated.

According to the investigation, they had been kept isolated in the house and therefore did not receive the social training and care that they should have received.

Last year, South Swede revealed the full story of the Ystads children. The disclosure led to social services, but also to the administration of the Ystad school to be examined, and received criticism.

The children’s own parents sought publicity on the matter and in November last year published in an interview with TV4.

Then the mother denied that the children had been isolated.

– No, no, and it’s good that children are a good proof of that. They are very sociable and that says that everyone who knows them in principle said in the TV4 interview.

Prosecutor: the first “lean” material

A criminal investigation against the parents has previously been closed. But now Eva-Marie Persson, at the Prosecutor’s Development Center, has decided to resume it.

“There was a request for review and the material presented by the Social Committee in Ystad was quite thin, but the material contained information about the situation of children that makes it possible to assume that a crime has occurred,” prosecutor Eva-Marie said. Persson on Wednesday’s decision.

The classification of the crime is abuse, illegal detention and illegal coercion.

Deny suspicions

Parents addressed the suspicions in a text message to Kvällsposten:

“The charges are completely without foundation in reality. We love our children and we continue to fight for them, and we await the next trial in court. ”

The oldest of the family was of legal age and could not be eliminated. During the elapsed time, another of the children has turned 18 years old and, therefore, the attention has ceased.

But three of the children still live in family homes. Parents want to have as much contact as possible with them, and little by little they have been given the opportunity to communicate.

The boy shows signs of stress.

For two of the children this has worked. But the youngest child cannot talk to mom and dad 15 minutes every two weeks, as the courts have decided.

According to Ystad’s social council, the boy “showed great signs of stress and was unable to sleep in his own bed” when he received a message about how close the contact with the parents would be.

“Extended social interaction has made (the child) fear that a return home may be relevant”, declares the Social Committee in an exchange of letters with the Gothenburg District Court.

Therefore, the board wants the child’s phone contact with the parents to be limited to ten minutes once a month with Skype or the like.

No more phone calls

Parents have not been happy with that proposal at all. They claim that they themselves have been in contact with the mother of the family and have the completely opposite impression of the child’s wishes.

But the Social Committee’s decision remains firm after another trial by the House of Commons. The younger child does not need to talk to the parents more often.

This time, the Evening Post also sought out the parents, but without contact.

READ MORE After the decision, you can now listen to the Ystad children
READ MORE The Social Committee lost to Ystads parents
READ MORE Ystad’s parents’ words about the new suspicions.