On Wednesday, the World Health Organization strengthened its advice on oral protection.
They should be used in workplaces, schools and businesses that do not have adequate ventilation or if it is not known what the ventilation is like, advises TT.
“When in doubt, it is safer to simply wear a mouth guard,” the WHO wrote in the new advice.
Even if it is well ventilated, people are encouraged to wear mouth guards, if it cannot be kept at least one meter away. This also applies in outdoor settings where congestion can occur, such as busy streets and bus stations.
The Royal Academy of Sciences recommends
The guidelines apply to areas where the corona pandemic shows the spread of infection, according to the WHO.
Two weeks ago, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences issued a recommendation that mouth guards should be used indoors in public places.
– Today there is new experimental and epidemiological evidence that mouth guards reduce the risk of airborne infections, but none because they would have the opposite effect, said Staffan Normark, chair of the academy expert group on Covid-19 at that moment.
But the Swedish Public Health Agency has said in press conferences after press conferences that there are not enough studies to show that oral protection is effective enough for a recommendation.
– Not at the moment, but it is a constant evaluation we do with the regions to see if it is worth the effort, said state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell last week.
Department Head Karin Tegmark Wisell recently said:
– In Sweden, we strive to keep distance as the number one measure.