Sofie Linde is one of Denmark’s most famous and popular presenters and can be seen on X Factor, among other places. Recently, she hosted a televised comedy gala on TV2. She then gave an introductory speech that has had great effects.
She recounted how she struggles in vain to earn the same salary as her male colleagues and how over the years she has endured inappropriate invitations and sexual harassment.
Then he described a specific event.
– I was 18 years old and had just started at Danmarks Radio. We were at a Christmas party that I had been waiting for. Then this big TV star comes up to me, grabs my arm and says “if you don’t come out and suck me, I’ll ruin you and your career.”
Then he looked at the camera and said:
– I’m pretty sure you’re looking at me right now. You know who you are.
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During Sofie Linde’s appearance at the comedy gala, there was some nervous laughter and soft applause. But when she finished, she was greeted with huge ovations.
The number has been seen by almost two million on TV2’s Facebook page and the Danish TV industry is shaken.
– What Sofie Linde describes is of course completely unacceptable and Danmarks Radio will now investigate the matter further, the channel’s HR manager Nanna Abildstrøm tells Ekstrabladet.
Part of the subsequent debate has been carried out by men working in the media who claim that Sofie Linde, by failing to name the television manager in her speech, has made every man in the industry suspicious.
– A kind of popular court is created where a number of men who do not have the opportunity to defend themselves are suspected, says Adam Holm, who worked as a presenter for several years, to Ekstrabladet.
But for others, the speech has had a different meaning. A large group of women who work at TV2 have issued an open letter in which they thank Sofie Linde for having the courage to tell it.
“We have been watching from the sidelines long enough. Now we are by your side. She tells of how she experienced a sexist culture among various men when she started in the media industry. You’re right. We also experience it “, write the women who work for TV2.
The group behind the open letter is now in the process of collecting testimonies about sexual harassment in the television industry.
“We’ve all experienced what you tell us, more or less, during our careers. Inappropriate comments about our appearance or clothing. Dirty emails. Cross-border physical contact. Warnings that there are different men to watch out for during the Christmas party. “
On Saturday, the letter was signed by 1,615 people, writes Politiken.
And the stories appear in other places as well.
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It was in the mid-2000s that Iben Maria Zeuthen’s Nokia phone rang as she set the table for dinner with her father. She had just turned 20 and got a job at Danmarks Radio.
The text message was from one of her male bosses.
“I dream of you and I naked in a bed, with open windows and white sheets”, He said.
Iben Maria Zeuthens was shocked, but decided to do nothing at the time.
“I didn’t proceed with the case at the time because I was feeling embarrassed. The text message was probably based on something I radiated, I thought.”, writes on Instagram.
But now Iben tells Maria Zeuthens. To support Sofie Linde.
“I’m writing to show that the problem is general, to show that no one should be able to tell Sofie Linde that this is just about her, it’s about a lot of us.”
Iben Maria Zeuthens feels that women in the media industry now have a rare opportunity.
“Not necessarily to name people, but to say that these are not individual events. We have the opportunity to take the blame and responsibility away from the person who is exposed and instead talk about solutions and opportunities, how can workplaces be even safer in the future? “
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It’s been three years since the metoo hashtag exploded on social media. It happened in connection with the report that Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein was accused of raping several famous actresses, the information had been silenced by the film industry.
But despite the huge impact around the world, not much has changed in Denmark, says attorney Henriette Kinnunen.
In a discussion article in Berlingske, she writes that one in twelve women in Denmark has an “incredible experience” in her luggage, referring to a survey conducted by Trygfonden between May 2019 and 2020.
This confirms that in Denmark we have a problem and it is deeper than what we have seen ”, she writes.
He thinks it’s regrettable that a public figure like Sofie Linde is required to come forward for the discussion to surface.
“Unfortunately, it is not the growing number of cases that is driving the debate. That is the quality of the personal stories.“, She writes.
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For Sofie Linde, it’s been a hectic couple of weeks after she recounted her experiences during the televised gala.
– I never thought it would be so controversial to talk about equality. But it confirms that this is something we really need to address, he says in an interview with Danish P3.
He has no regrets about his choice of theme at the humor gala.
– From a purely statistical point of view, it can take seven years before a woman has the opportunity again, so it was important to me how she would use time during the speech, she says according to Ekstrabladet.
He’s gotten a lot of support afterward, but also a lot of shit
– But you must not feel sorry for me, I am the one who has now stuck my chin out. But if anyone thinks I’m doing this to get attention, they should know that it would have been a lot easier for me not to.
Archive TV:
Adolescents one year after the metoo movement.