The university entrance test will end this fall


On Friday, the government coordinator reviewed all the opinions of the universities on the proposal presented yesterday. The proposal means that a smaller group than usual should write the test to be able to ensure safety from infections, and it is assigned on a first-come, first-served basis.

All higher education institutions have accepted the proposal, he says. The government has also made a change order for the University and University Council (UHR) to have the opportunity to introduce a temporary restriction on how many people can take the test, which takes effect formally on Monday.

Therefore, the university entrance exam will be canceled this fall.

– Under my proposal, 26,250 people could complete the test this fall, but that number has increased to 27,600 participants as several of the higher education institutions had the capacity to receive more, says Peter Honeth.

Registration period it opens from Friday September 25 and lasts until October 1. But every test organizer has a limit and when the highest number is reached, the possibility of registration is closed, says Peter Honeth.

The being or not being of the test has been debated back and forth recently from the point of view of the crown. Last week Karin Röding, CEO of the Swedish Council of Universities and Colleges, resigned after the government announced that the fall exams would be canceled after all.

Despite its approval, several of the higher education institutions have expressed concern, among other things, about the injustice when the number of test participants is limited to half in several places compared to previous years.

– I am not positive about the proposal and I regret that it has become a political issue. There will also be other problems where other university students risk being harassed when they write other exams at the same time as the university entrance exam is being taken, Lund rector Torbjörn von Schantz told DN on Monday.

The Government has also previously decided that only people who do not have a valid result of the university entrance exam can participate in the fall exam.

Peter Honeth thinks that questions have arisen and many discussions have been necessary to finally reach the conclusion that the university entrance exam should be taken.

– Among other things, there has been a question of injustice and collision between other students taking other tests at the same time in higher education institutions. But we have solved it with the completion of the university entrance exam on Sunday the 25th because it is very unusual for other exams to be taken at that time.

– But it is important to note that both higher education institutions and the UHR participated positively in accordance with the Riksdag’s desire to take the test.

The college entrance exam score is standardized and the number of credits required to obtain the highest score is determined, among other things, by the mean value of the writers’ scores. However, with fewer people taking the test, it still shouldn’t affect the score, she says.

– It is based on a standardization between tests, but I cannot answer exactly how it goes. The number of participants in the test varies from year to year and there are usually different selections as well.

That’s a total three government decisions that have changed the conditions for taking the university entrance exam this fall.

This is in part due to the extension of the validity period for test results from five to eight years and the change in the Higher Education Ordinance that gives UHR the opportunity to allow only individuals without a test result valid take the college entrance exam. But the ability to set a cap on the number of apps has been crucial.
