The Västra Götaland region has decided that health personnel will start to be vaccinated and each administration can decide the order of vaccination.
Within NU health care, which includes Norra Älvsborg County Hospital and Uddevalla Hospital, vaccination will take place in two stages starting Monday, where staff working directly with pandemic care will leave first.
During the second stage The hospital management of about ten people will go before, for example, AT doctors and those who work in the cardiologist. This is indicated in the order of priority established by the hospital management.

Björn Järbur, director of the UN hospital for health care.
Photo: NU Healthcare / Eng Photo
Björn Järbur, director of the UN hospital for health care, says he understands that there may be those who think that management should not take the initiative in line.
– My counterargument is that management is important for us to function in this vulnerable situation. Just as it would be unfortunate if certain parts of IVA got sick at the same time, it would be unfortunate if the handling was knocked out, because then our capacity in this situation would not be so high, he says and develops the reasoning:
– This easily becomes a reasoning that power is with shoehorn, but the alternative that we would be without decision makers is not good. I think it is reasonable to be careful and take additional measures, says Järbur and makes the comparison with the fact that many members of the government should not fly the same plane.
Both Prime Minister Stefan Löfven and the Minister of Social Affairs Lena Hallengren announced in December, however, that they will be vaccinated against covid-19 when it is their turn and that they follow the order of priority.

Uddevalla Hospital, along with Norra Älvsborg County Hospital, are the two hospitals that are part of NU medical care.
Photo: Roger Lärk / TT
The Swedish Public Health Agency opened two weeks ago so that local adjustments can be made to the order of priority, in order to alleviate a heavily burdened healthcare system. The recommendation is maintained that those who are at higher risk of becoming seriously ill or dying from covid-19 should be offered vaccination first, although the FHM also states that “given the current situation, it is reasonable to advance certain vaccinations for personnel in the regions “.
This easily becomes a reasoning that electric shoes themselves
At Sahlgrenska University Hospital, vaccination of hospital staff began on Thursday. The scheme was developed by the hospital coordinator in discussion with the chief physician and the proposal was presented to the hospital management, who accepted it.
In the first order of priority It included all professional categories that work near patients with covid care and in VAT, such as doctors, nurses, nursing assistants and physiotherapists.
From then on, the corresponding priority was made with the rest of the hospital care. Lastly, there are other staff members, such as ambulatory care workers, administration, and managers.
– We know we have by far the highest risk outlook for intensive care staff, there is the heavy burden, so they go first. Administrative staff and those who can work from home, even if you have mild symptoms, are last in line, says Per Albertsson, who coordinates vaccination at Sahlgrenska University Hospital.
And that includes hospital management?
– Yes. If you have tasks that you can do from home, such as hospital management, then you have to wait to get vaccinated. Those who can work from home have a lower risk of getting infected in society also because they do not travel, so I think it is reasonable that they are the last.
How do you reason about an outbreak in the hospital management that jeopardizes the entire operation?
– Absolutely, I understand it, but I hope I am clear about what I think. It is obvious that those who are less at risk of infection and can work from home simply have to wait.
The NU sanitary vaccination scheme has provoked reactions internally. Björn Järbur agrees that there is a personal risk that, for example, a cardiologist will be infected by a patient, but emphasizes that what you mainly want to avoid is that an entire company is closed for having an internal infection in a group, something that the Public Health Agency has pointed out.

Vials with Pfizer Cfid-19 vaccine.
Photo: Johan Nilsson / TT
According to Järbur, he himself will not receive the syringe next week because only half of the management team, about five people, will be vaccinated. He explains that it cannot be ruled out that those who are vaccinated suffer side effects.
Järbur emphasizes that the hospital management wanted to be transparent with its decision.
– It would have been easy to let these 10-12 people join the 1,000 who are going to be vaccinated and say nothing, but I think it is better to be clear about the choice we have made, he says.
Read the DN news from West Sweden.