The coronavirus is spreading rapidly in the UK and authorities are now taking further steps to step up vaccines. Seven large vaccination centers will open in the country on Monday.

John Elphinstone receives a dose of the covid-19 vaccine from Astra Zeneca at Pentlands Medical Center in Edinburgh, Scotland. Seven major new vaccination centers open in the UK on Monday.
Starting today, the British can get vaccinated at a field hospital in London, a football stadium in Bristol, a race track in Epsom and a tennis club in Manchester. These are some of the seven major vaccination centers now opening in the UK, in an effort to increase the rate of vaccination.
The UK was the first in the world to approve the Pfizer-Biontech and Astra Zeneca vaccine and now vaccinates about 200,000 people a day, or 1.4 million people a week, according to the country’s Health Minister Matt. Hancock.
It is not enough to meet vaccination goals.
The idea is that health professionals, as well as all risk groups, such as people in nursing homes, older than 70 years and with previous diagnoses, are vaccinated before February 15, and to achieve that goal, two million must be vaccinated people per week. .
“The UK vaccination plan will be the cornerstone of our journey out of the pandemic, but we must continue to contribute, staying home, following restrictions and keeping track of our hands, faces and distance as we move.” Hancock wrote in A Statement.
The Health Minister will present details of the vaccination program, which is the largest in Britain’s history, later on Monday.
In addition to the new large vaccination clinics, hundreds of doctor’s offices, hospitals and pharmacies will begin offering vaccines next week, according to the government.
To date, more than 81,000 Britons have died after becoming infected with the coronavirus, which is the fifth highest death toll in the world. More than three million people have tested positive for the virus in the UK.