The Swedish Tax Agency may soon pursue those who cheat with layoffs


A month ago, after signs that there were cheats with the short-term permit system, the government promised that the Swedish Tax Agency would receive a supplement for 130 employees.

But they haven’t started the investigation yet. The legislation is not yet finalized.

– The powers with which the Swedish Tax Agency has to work and will include in the amending budget, to be presented in mid-May, says the director general of the Swedish Tax Agency, Katrin Westling Palm.

The tax office already has a series of check tools, such as employee payrolls and employer returns, that are filed monthly and on which the deductible tax must be reported for employees.

But these tools are primarily for tax control and not for control of temporary and massive state aid.

“Then you need to screw in the goals of the regulations so that we can use them for these purposes as well,” says Westling Palm.

Purely practical The job is to examine the presence of the staff and put them against the statements.

– You can do it physically by verifying staff members and connecting it to monthly data, says Westling Palm.

The resources the job is waiting for it is about making later checks. But Katrin Westling Palm emphasizes that the agency is already assisting the Growth Agency with its handling of short-term permit applications.

– It is important to know that before the payments that are made now, checks are also made. And our employees who help with the management also help with their experience and knowledge.

The Swedish Tax Agency cooperatesIt is also with other authorities and informs you about the selection methods and criteria with which they work in the controls.

– So we already have a dialogue with Försäkringskassan and Tillväxtverket on how to work with the control of these subsidies.

Short-term permission support is the largest single support, but Katrin Westling Palm believes that the controls may apply to other support as well.
