The suspicion of a trap with crown support is verified


Of: TT


Stefan Lundberg, Chief Prosecutor of the Swedish Environmental Crimes Agency.  Stock Photography.

Photo: Karin Wesslén / TT

Stefan Lundberg, Chief Prosecutor of the Swedish Environmental Crimes Agency. Stock Photography.

The Swedish Revenue Agency suspects fraud in some 200 requests for adjustment support and has submitted these cases to the Swedish Environmental Crimes Agency, reports Swedish Radio Ekot.

– According to the Swedish Tax Agency forecasts, 100 crime reports can be expected from your prior check and roughly the same number from your subsequent check. At present, we have only received 25, says Stefan Lundberg, chief prosecutor of the Swedish Environmental Crimes Agency, on the radio.

The 200 suspected cases represent just under one percent of the more than 20,000 requests that the Swedish Revenue Agency has granted and has allocated a total of SEK 2.55 billion, according to Ekot.

When the government and supporting parties announced the crisis package with adjustment support in April, it was said that 180,000 companies that had been hit hard by the corona pandemic should be able to apply for a total of 39 billion Swedish crowns. Adjustment support was only applied in March and April this year, but has been extended to also apply to May, June and July.

