Long-term absent employees are a significant sustainability risk for most companies. Therefore, Euro Accident insurance company also offers rehabilitation support on your company-paid health insurance. A support that helps eight out of ten to continue working.
The issue of sustainability with social, environmental and economic aspects is playing an increasingly important role for companies. Therefore, it has also become important for companies to understand, identify and manage such risks, in addition to, for example, business risks and financial risks.
One of the most important but often overlooked sustainability issues is that of sustainable employees – that is, the health and well-being of the employees themselves. In addition to the human side, the costs of poor health are high in the form of increased sick leave, higher staff turnover and lower productivity.
Modern health insurance
However, the fact that an employee is absent for a long time is a risk that can be insured to some extent. Some of those who offer this type of insurance are the insurance company Euro Accident Livförsäkring.
– The risk of sick leave is very important in today’s working life, and many of them get sick in the long term due to stress and exhaustion. That is why we have created modern health insurance that is good for both the insured employee and the employer paying the insurance, says Jörgen Örnebrand, Product Manager Occupational Pension, at Euro Accident Livförsäkring AB.
At risk of sick leave
In addition to financial compensation for long absences, Euro accident insurance also includes rehabilitation support.
Rehabilitation support can already be activated at the first sign that an employee is at risk of long-term sick leave or to help employees get back to work. Following a web application from the immediate superior, one of Euro Accident’s rehabilitation coordinators coordinates the whole matter and makes sure that the proper efforts are made.
Good opportunities to help
Eight out of ten policyholders who enter the Euro Accident rehabilitation process through their medical insurance will not be absent in the long term.
– If we only have the opportunity to start the process early, we have a good chance of taking the appropriate measures before it goes too far, says Jörgen Örnebrand.
It is not always necessary to activate rehabilitation support in insurance. Sometimes it can be of great help for the employee to have one or more conversations with a psychologist, economist, lawyer, ergonomist or health consultant through the call support, which is also part of the insurance.
– Conversation support can provide advice and help moving forward, regardless of whether it is private or work-related matters. The important thing is to get help before the little problems get worse, says Jörgen Örnebrand.
Comprehensive insurance for healthy and safe employees
This is part of the Euro Accidents Sjukförsäkring PlanSjuk, which companies hire for their employees:
– Conversation support by psychologist, economist, lawyer, ergonomist and health consultant.
– HR manager and support
– Support for rehabilitation
– Financial compensation for lost profits
Read more about Health Insurance PlanSjuk
Read more about Euro Accident