Stockholm. Continuous increase in the spread of infection. 4.8 percent positive test results. Norrtälje hospital staff situation due to sick leave and increased infection.
Västerbotten. Continued increase in the spread of infection in the county. The number of confirmed cases per day has decreased since the previous week.
Södermanland. The proportion of positive test results has increased in the last couple of weeks. However, this does not affect the number of people hospitalized.
Östergötland. AThe number of confirmed cases continues to rise.
Västernorrland. Continuous increase in the number of infected. 3 out of 7 municipalities report a moderate impact, 4 municipalities no impact.
Blekinge. Great increase in the number of infected in recent weeks. The Blekinge region has resumed regional management of special medical care.
Jönköping. The proportion of positive cases has increased in relation to the number analyzed.
Värmland. Various reports of further spread of infection. In several municipalities, however, it is described as moderate.
Norrbotten. Increased spread of infection.
Skåne. The spread of the infection has continued to increase. Three different special adaptations report infection. Several municipalities report a lack of personnel and especially nurses.
Örebro. Continual increase in the number and proportion of those who test positive for corona.
Gavleborg. The number of positive tests is increasing. The number of infected suspects in elderly care has doubled since week 39.
Halland. There is no increase at present.
Jämtland. Marked increase in infected. Social infection detected in several municipalities. Increase in staff sick leave according to various municipalities.
Dalarna. The spread of infection slowly increases. Slight increase in the number of hospitalized patients in wards.
Västmanland. Continued high spread of infection Several municipalities report established infections in staff, users and students in various activities.
Uppsala. Rapidly increasing spread of infection during the last two weeks. The number of hospital admissions is increasing.
Gotland. Increased spread of infection, multiple cases of cluster infection.
Västra Götaland. There is no information on the increase in infection.
Kronoberg. Some increase in the spread of infection.
Kalmar. The number of confirmed cases in the county remains low, but now there are signs of an increase.
Source: Collection of SVT of the weekly reports of the provincial administrative boards as of October 13.