On April 1, the Swedish Public Health Agency presented a general advice to counter the spread of covid-19. The authority later stated that people over 70 and other risk groups should limit their physical contacts and avoid public transportation, shops and places where people gather.
Now they take specials recommendations removed. All tips to reduce the spread of infection will apply to the entire population in the future.
– Basically, this means that everyone in Sweden has the same responsibility to protect themselves and others, said Social Affairs Minister Lena Hallengren (S), at a press conference on Thursday.
Despite the removal of special recommendations for the elderly, Lena Hallengren cautions that the elderly remain a risk group.
– Keep your distance, turn if there is a crowd in a restaurant. Refrain from larger invitations, she says.
Also Johan Carlson notes that the elderly are particularly vulnerable during the pandemic and are at risk of more serious illnesses than others.
– It is not the case that older people should start traveling by bus as usual. Everyone should be very careful, they should not go out and be pushed unnecessarily into business, they should avoid rush hours. There will be a risk to people. We’ll see some people get sick, but we have to find that balance, individual risk-taking versus societal benefits, says Johan Carlson.
He also notes that the group has taken the above recommendations seriously and followed the advice.
After the press conference, Johan Carlson was asked if the authority took too much with the recommendations this spring. He then said that the April measure was necessary, but that it is important to find a balance in the recommendations.
– The effect is that morbidity has decreased and fewer people have entered intensive care. A large number of lives have been saved, but it is not reasonable for a risk group to assume such a great responsibility in the long term. The physical and psychological consequences are serious.