The southern peak of Kebnekaise is not the highest point in Sweden


Sweden’s previous highest point, the southern peak of Kebnekaise, is also lower than the northern peak of Kebnekaise this year. Sydtoppen, which consists of a small glacier, has been measured twice during the summer by staff from the Tarfala Research Station, Stockholm University. On August 7, the altitude was measured at 2,096.5 meters above sea level, and on September 17, at an altitude of 2,096 meters above sea level.

The northern peak of Kebnekaise, consisting of solid rock, reaches 2,096.8 meters above sea level and was therefore the highest point in Sweden in August and September.

The glacier at the southern peak it is a clear sign of the consequences of climate change and rising temperatures. It has had a tendency to melt for several years and now periodically it is no longer the highest. In September 2019, the record minimum height at the southern peak was measured at 2,095.6 meters above sea level, that is, 1.2 meters lower than the northern peak.

Last winter was snowy and long, while the temperature during the summer was the same as in 2019 and all the winter snow did not melt. When the summer thaw season ended in September, 16 inches of snow remained from last winter.

Read more: At Sweden’s highest peak, climate change is clear

Read more: Record melting of Swedish glaciers
