The Social Democrats: bringing new pandemic support to the association


The Social Democrats propose a new pandemic support for associative life.
S wants the municipality of Lund to set aside SEK 3.5 million in special support for associations. A letter about this has been sent to the city council.

The Torn Scout Corps is one association that could be supported. Here members of the corps during a camp in Häljasjön on the outskirts of Veberöd 2006: Birger Norrman, Josefin Gustafsson, Jacob Nilsson and Tobias Nordahl.Image: Emma larsson

The municipal board has previously allocated 3.5 million to sports associations. Since then, a second grant of 2 million has been presented, compensation to three sports associations for canceling major sporting events.

S now refers to criticism from other types of associations, for lack of support, and wants to reserve an additional 3.5 million SEK, in complementary association support to support associations that no they are sports clubs.

“Strong associative life is an extremely important and indispensable part of Lund Municipality. There is incredible breadth here, in addition to sports, from scout associations to cultural associations. It is good that we supported the sport during the fall, but it is obvious that this is not enough, ”says opposition councilor Anders Almgren (S) in a press release.

The proposal is that the support be taken from the new “crown mattress” of the municipal council and that it be administered and decided by the culture and leisure commission.

According to Sebastian Jaktling (S), second vice president of the culture and leisure committee, a new package of measures with a view to associative life may be crucial for the survival of associations.
